With every life change comes fear.
And a big fear is that of having enough funds. We ask questions like..
How can I make a change in my life without going through a period of financial insecurity?
Given my current commitments, can I even find enough time to do this life changing stuff?
There is a pay gap between men and women, why do I get paid less for the same job?
I just can’t recklessly stop what I’m doing now… so…
How will I take care of my family/loved ones?
One of the biggest questions is…
How can I access enough money to be able to pursue my dreams?
I’ve seen thousands of people go though this cycle. And, there is a step-by-step process you can follow to make sure your dreams are funded and your loved ones are safe.
There’s five steps you can take to make sure your dreams are funded:
1. Go from an “employee” mindset to an “entrepreneur” mindset.
Instead of needing permission or thinking that your “time is money”. Realize that you don’t need a job… you just have to find a way to get financial resources to flow to you. Key to this? Look at a problem in the world you would love to solve and then start solving it. One of the big secrets of the entrepreneur mindset is that we know where there are problems, there is a business opportunity.
Look at your current expenses with a “bootstrap” mindset. Cut costs that don’t serve your new direction and invest in trainings and tools to help you get to your goals faster.
2. Set a first version realistic new income goal.
Most people don’t even have this, which makes the rest impossible. Know your first version goal. Sure, you want to make millions perhaps. But, what if you could start with $5 or $10k a month? Even an extra $2k a month, how would that change your life? If you don’t have a goal, you won’t hit it. You’ve got to get to $5,000 before you get to one million.
3. Build your Tribe by adding value (and sharing inspiration) consistently online.
It really is that simple. When you consistently share and help online, you are seen as an authority. It’s no different that what you’re already doing, except you share it online. You’re already good at helping others, now let’s put that to work in a new and more profitable way.
4. Small Numbers Create Big Profits – Apply the 99/1 rule to your income.
99% of the income you want to create will come from 1% (or less) of your “Tribe”. I applied the 99/1 rule when I was couch surfing and actually learned how to make $10,000 from just 15 – 20 people. You don’t need a lot of people to replace your income.
5. Invite your tribe to work with you.
The biggest barrier to most of our clients financial security is that they don’t invite their tribe to work with them. I know, crazy. Learn how to invite your tribe to work with you in a way that feels in integrity, that feels aligned with who you are and also feel really exciting and heartfelt to those you are extending an invitation to.
There are usually a bunch of mindset mistakes people make when they are just getting started.
– The think they can’t add value or inspire anyone.
– They think they have to have some big audience before they can make a dime.
– They think that these kinds of systems only apply to others, but not them.
– They think they have to have it perfectly figured out ahead of time.
– The think that they have to have some big fancy website that looks flashy, perfect and has all the bells and whistles.
– They think that their tribe and working with people will drain their energy.
– They don’t think it will last.
Know this…
– You have no idea how inspiring you already are.
– I made my first $10,000 from 15 people. We’ve had clients make $50,000 from less than that.
– You can apply this system to work for you…. it’s best not to do it alone.
– You can still be confused and not 100% clear and replace your income at the same time.
– I didn’t have a website when I started. And my first one was super ugly (major website shame).
– Working with others to improve their lives won’t drain you, it will give you energy.
– This can be your new life, for good.
Now… all you’ve got to do is put this plan into action.
You’ve got this. I’ve got you.
Together, we can make this a reality.
Remember to get out there, take action and make it real!