This is a radical idea… but let’s try it out for a moment and see how it goes…
What if NOTHING is going wrong?
Have you considered that the pain of your life is the motivating factor that is pushing you to grow and evolve?
The question that your pain is asking you is a simple, yet profound question…
Will you align with your Soul, or will you turn away?
What does that mean, though?
“Align with you Soul…”
Sounds good, but WTF does it MEAN?
Here are five beliefs that are common when you aren’t lined up with your Soul:
1. I am powerless to change.
2. My happiness is dependent upon what other people do or think of me.
3. Only when I am perfect, will I be enough.
4. I am not supported.
5. There is no purpose to or for my life.
When you act out of these beliefs, life is stressful, life appears tough, and you stop growing. When you have these beliefs, it means that you are caught in the web of your Survival Patterns™ (those pesky irrational fears that keep you stuck) and that your past is running your future.
When you are feeling negative feelings, like guilt, shame, etc. – you are not living in the moment… you are living in the past.
The aim must be to LOVE these emotions and decide that these emotions are not who you are…. just emotions that are passing through you, seeking healing.
One of the best and fastest ways to heal… is to seek out the positive intent of every situation.
This is a mind-bender… and something that takes practice.
However, the more that you practice this idea, the better you will feel and life will begin to come into balance and make sense. Seek the positive intent of every situation. ‘
Every person does what they do, because they believe, on a certain level, that there is a positive intention behind their action.
Many times, that so-called positive intention is unconscious.
They are positively intending to survive, and there may be unconscious Survival Patterns™ that are running the show.
It’s a positive intention to survive.
Even if the situation or someone else’s behavior harmed you, the way to get free is to forgive, let go and seek the positive intent.
What’s the positive intention of someone who hurt me?
This is a deep question.
And – here’s the answer… the positive intention of someone who hurt you was this…
They were trying to find some way… anyway…. to free themselves from the pain they were in.
And, they did it in a way that was not wise and caused you pain.
This doesn’t make it right. BUT – if we can see that they are trapped in a nightmare of unconscious pain, then they turn from a demon into a scared/wounded child who is seeking solace from their demons.
Seeking the positive intention does not justify what happened to us, but it helps us find empathy… the empathy to know that no matter what someone did “to us” – that they were also doing the same thing, or worse, to themselves… and most likely… someone did the same thing, or worse, to them.
In this way, we can begin to be open to the idea… the nothing and no one is “wrong.”
They are just seeking to feel better because they don’t have the tools or the awareness to act otherwise.
This means… they are growing… and so are you. When you judge something as “wrong”, you miss the lesson because you are in blame of the other.
This doesn’t mean you should accept injustice. However, if you ever want to truly heal… and put an end to what was done to you… that can only happen from a place of love.
If you hate the people that hurt you, that hate you, you join the darkness with them.
We must begin to see the pain behind the harmful acts of others. Nothing is wrong; we are growing.
They are in pain… and seeking relief in any way they can. It’s not their “fault, ” and it’s not your “fault.”
Soul Growth is a big deal… and can be painful. But it is NOT growing the creates the most pain.
Today, see the positive intent of all that seems “wrong” in your life…, and you will become open to a deeper and more empathetic view of yourself and all those that you know.
Here are five beliefs to take on today… that will help you align with this perspective and thus, your Soul:
1. I am a powerful being who can change anything and at any time.
2. My happiness is dependent upon the meaning I give the events of my life.
3. I am enough right now. I am perfectly imperfect, right now.
4. I am supported.
5. There is a beautiful and unique purpose to my life.
Focus on growth… on forgiveness and on empathy.
You’ll see the world with new eyes.
Nothing is wrong; all has been sent for your growth.
Today, dig deep roots… and grow through it.
Remember to get out there, take action and make it real!