Monthly Archives: February 2017

Procrastination: This Is How To Turn The Tables And Finish

There’s no better feeling than a project that’s complete. It’s like saying “Take that procrastination!”

There’s that sense of self-respect.

That sense of accomplishment.

That earned sense of self-respect and self-esteem.

Whatever you want to achieve in your life – there’s one thing that’s gotta happen.

You’ve got to finish it.

One imperfectly finished project is better than 100 half done.

If you don’t learn how to finish – you’ll never live your highest potential.

If you don’t set your sights to finish, then you erode your self-esteem and self-trust.

Not finishing increases stress and is a major cause of overwhelm.

Yesterday I shared with you how to overcome being paralyzed and ignite your purpose. That blog will get you started if you don’t know how to go from unstuck to momentum FAST.

Today I’m going to share with you how to go from momentum to sustained momentum to finished.

It’s a simple concept I’m going to share with you. It is elegant, and it is powerful. But don’t think it’s easy. Simple and easy are not the same thing.

There are just four decisions you need to make to finish.

These are strategic and valuable decisions that will powerfully move you forward.

So make them, take them to heart and watch the awesomeness that follows.

Four Decisions That Turn The Tables On Procrastination:

1. Decide what your ideal outcome is (positively, clearly and in present tense).

2. Decide to take CIA (Courageous Imperfect Action) until you achieve your outcome. BTW – yesterday was the best time to start, so you’ll have to settle for now!

3. Decide to pay attention to the feedback you are getting without taking it personally.

4. Decide to analyze the feedback you are getting and consistently change your approach and be flexible until you produce your ideal outcome (or something better).

Committing to these decisions will change the game.

Make four decisions? Simple.
Living them? That’s where the rubber meets the road.

When you find a cause that’s greater than you, it makes it easier to commit.

When you link positive outcome and curiosity with these decisions, it brings about rapid change.

Deep down you know that you are a finisher. Deep down you know there is more for you to bring forward into the world. Deep down you know that it’s time to bring your decisions into the present moment. Deep down you know that perfectionism and/or procrastination are killing your dreams.

Deep down you know that you can change everything…

Right now.

It’s time to turn the tables on procrastination and become a finisher.

Click To Tweet-tweet: “It’s time to turn the tables on procrastination and become a finisher.” @MastinKipp Read more:

In the comments below, commit to making these decisions for yourself today. Share why. Tell me how this feels. And tell me what outcome you are committed to (clearly and in the positive/present tense).

When you comment below, you take the first step to making the invisible… visible.

Let’s take that step together today. Right now.

Remember to get out there, take action and make it real!

Your biggest supporter,


P.S. If you are ready to start or exponentially grow your business in just seven days, apply to my Wealthy Healer Retreat this April in Maui. Seven days of immersion that will get your business up, running and on the path for massive growth this year. Space is limited. Click here to apply.

Overcome Paralysis Now And Ignite Your Purpose

You’ve got one life to live and a massive purpose to bring forward. You don’t want to waste all that being stuck, paralyzed and standing still.

Feeling overwhelmed, frustrated and stressed creeps in when you aren’t moving forward.

There are three things that you need to make your mark:

1. Autonomy – knowing that you are in charge of your destiny.

2. Progress – making consistent growth to achieve and become better each day.

3. Purpose – being connected to something larger than yourself.

When you have autonomy, progress, and purpose – that’s when life gets good.

Less stress. More clarity. Less overwhelm. More peace. Less self-doubt. More self-respect.

But, it can be hard to feel these things when your stuck. Why? Basic physics.

Objects at rest tend to stay at rest.

We’ve got to get over the initial hump of being at rest and get you back into motion. It’s easier to create momentum when you already have some, so be patient with yourself.

You can do this, you don’t have to stay stuck and you can get past feeling paralyzed. If you’re stuck, it can be a lonely place to be. And, sometimes it can feel like defeat to admit that you are stuck.

There’s good news: you don’t have to put on some “I’m fine” image and pretend that everything is okay.

Part of tapping into abundance is being able to ask for help and share the truth about what you’re going through. It’s okay to ask for help, it’s okay to be honest about your situation and it’s okay to be vulnerable.

But, you just want to be mindful of who you share your heart and soul with. Choose wisely.

Here are Seven Steps to Overcome Paralysis and Explode Your Purpose:

1. Admit that you are stuck.

2. Focus on past success that you’ve had, a time when you felt on purpose. Ask yourself, “What did I believe about life in that moment?” and “What was I doing that was working?”

3. Even if it seems strange, ask yourself, “If I believed that about life now, what action would I take to get unstuck?”

4. Take small bits of action each day based on this answer. Better to take consistent small steps than none at all. One of the fastest ways to get unstuck is to model your past success.

5. Identify trusted people who can lift you up and support you. Then ask them for support.

6. Find a mentor who can be a structure of support while you get your momentum going.

7. Find someone to help now. You don’t have to look very far to find someone who you can serve. If you’re feeling helpless, help someone.

Applying these seven steps in your life will get you unstuck, de-paralyzed and back on track.

So, how can you set yourself up to take these steps today? And when will you begin?

The most powerful mindset you will ever cultivate is this: gratitude.

When you are grateful for everything in your life, even the trial and tests – even the hard stuff… you will find more things to be grateful for.

Everything that happens comes bearing a lesson and a spark of Grace.

Click To Tweet-Tweet: “Everything that happens comes bearing a lesson and a spark of Grace.” @MastinKipp

You’ve got this – the tide is turning, today!

Remember to get out there, take action and make it real!

Your biggest supporter,


P.S. If you are ready to start or exponentially grow your business in just seven days, apply to my Wealthy Healer Retreat this April in Maui. Seven days of immersion that will get your business up, running and on the path for massive growth this year. Space is limited.

Click here to apply.

Not Good: Is Your Six Month Plan Killing Your Important Dreams?

Do you plan to start your business or “quit your job” to start your business in the next six months?

That’s a really bad idea.


Because it’s not going to happen.

Look – I don’t mean to be negative. My purpose is to assist you to breakthrough all limitations and live the highest expression of your life.

And – to do that… we’ve got to be real.

Planning to “start” or “leave” something in six months is the same as procrastinating to start for six months.

So, what you’ve got to do is plan to leave your soul-sucking job NOW.

Or, plan to start your business NOW. Only make plans for the present, never the future.

Sure you can have a vision for the future and goals that you want to achieve.

All that matter is what you’re doing about it now.

This doesn’t mean that you quit today. It doesn’t mean that you throw caution to the wind. It doesn’t mean that you pull a Jerry McGuire in the middle of the office and go all manifesto on your team.

But, it does mean that you must bring your awareness to the present moment. Then, begin taking present moment action – now.

The most important things to consider are:

1. How much do you need to live each month? (Fo’ real)

2. What costs can you cut now?

3. What is the fastest way to create income?

4. What is the least amount of work you can do that would create the biggest return?

5. How can you chuck down your goal into weekly sprints to get more done in less time?

6. Who do you need to stop trying to impress or get approval from?

7. What problems in the world are you passionate about solving?

8. What purpose beyond yourself inspires you?

Getting to live your dreams is not something that you are entitled to. You must earn it.

And, planning is not enough. You must take consistent, courageous & imperfect action daily. The moves don’t have to be big. But they must be consistent. I’d rather see one small baby step a day then trying to do it all in a weekend.

Find the time. Say no more. Cut back meetings. Stop over giving at work and staying late. Don’t hang out with people who you share common productivity draining habits with.

Protect your time. Be willing to “appear” broke or foolish for a short time.

And know this:

1. You can get by with far less than you think you can.

2. Start cutting costs and hidden monthly fees now.

3. Focus on income from one-on-one packages to start.

4. Don’t try to get the whole thing setup perfectly, just take the next small step and be okay with doing it afraid and looking messy.

5. Take your big vision, turn it into goals and then widdle it down to next action steps. Focus on the action steps.

6. Stop living your life by committee. Stop trying to look good. Focus on a bigger vision that impressing people. Or needing their approval. (Especially if they are not living their dream life)7. Get busy being useful and solving problems.

7. Get busy being useful and solving problems.8. Attach yourself to an idea that is greater than you and dedicate your life to.

8. Attach yourself to an idea that is greater than you and dedicate your life to its service.

Do it messy.

Do it afraid.

Do it now.

Tweet: “Do it messy. Do it afraid. Do it now.” – @MastinKipp

Remember to get out there, take action & make it real.

Your biggest supporter,
