Chances are… when it comes to your dreams, you’re most likely getting in your own way. The right mindset changes everything.
Cuz’ when you have the right success mindset – that means your behaviors line up with your goals.
But, even high performers get their mindset messed up.
Why is this a bad thing?
Your life doesn’t flow. Dreams get put on hold. Doors close. Opportunity stops knocking. And – worst of all…
The limitations of your past become the possibilities for your future.
Not good.
So, if you want to end financial fear, if you want to quit the soul sucking job… or grow your business… you be in a soulmate relationship…
Get your` mind right.
Here’s five awesomely simple ays to turn failure into success:
1. Get Curious
Old thought: I can’t do this because…
New thought: I wonder what it takes to create…?
2. Start Small
Old thought: I have to do this all at once and don’t know where to start…
New thought: I can do this one small step at at time…
3. Be Specific
Old thought: I am going to love my body… (vague)
New thought: I am going to work out 5x a week, cut refined carbs and drink 1/2 an oz. of water per pound of body weight (specific)
4. Focus On Outcome
Old thought: I always self-sabotage because…. (discussing only the problem)
New thought: For this project to be done, it would look like… (with specific outcomes)
5. Dedicate Yourself to Life Time Mastery
Old thought: I’ve been doing this social media thing for a couple weeks and it’s not working. I’m not reaching enough people.
New thought: I’m going to master social media, always learn and it’s an honor to reach the people that I do now.
My advice to you is this:
Trade your limiting beliefs for curiosity…Turn major projects into micro steps…Turn unclear behaviours into clear action items…Turn vague visions into clear outcomes…Turn dabbling into a dedication to mastery…
When you do this – anything is possible.
Your purpose is counting on you to do this.
And when you apply what I’ve taught you here… you turn any failure into success.
And that’s awesome.
And you’re awesome.
Remember to get out there, take action and make it real!