Do you ever wonder why you take two steps forward and two steps back?
Or maybe… three steps forward and four steps back?
And… no matter what you do… you feel like you’ve tried “everything” and yet nothing can really click… you aren’t getting the result… you aren’t getting to the next level.
If you’ve ever wondered why you do that… let me explain in simple terms.
A part of you believes that the next level of your success is dangerous.
In fact… this part of you thinks it’s so dangerous that it could possibly kill you… and even your loved ones.
Now… I know that sounds dramatic… and it is.
But… hear me out for a moment. You see – you have a nervous system that has been evolving for millions of years…so your nervous systems is a very powerful and intelligent system that is designed to keep you alive.
Which… is a good thing.
The problem is… the nervous system tends to generalize and associate danger/death and doom with anything that represents a threat.
And… when you are trying to change or improve your life… part of the deal is that you need to do new things.
Try new habits. Let go of a relationship.
Speak up for what you need. Set boundaries. Open your heart.
All of these things are new… and the are uncertain.
And… because they are uncertain… that means that your nervous system interprets anything that is uncertain or that could be a “risk” as the same thing as death.
So… without conscious awareness… without our attention… without bringing in our higher nature…. our scared and terrified nervous system can run the show.
And… without even consciously knowing it… your nervous system can think that breaking up with your jerk boyfriend is just as dangerous as being cast out and banished from a tribe to live by and fend for yourself in the desert.
Or… the nervous system can think that quitting your job and starting a business that you love will kill you…
Or that losing the weight and being “see” is lethal…
Or that opening your heart up and loving again will result in the same pain or worst from the past… and that you will die if you experience that kind of pain again.
It’s not a bad thing that your nervous system is trying to keep you safe.
The hard part is that while the nervous system thinks that anything that is uncertain or risky will lead to certain death and it will do anything it can to protect you…
This also means that any risk or uncertainty that is required to love again, start a business, lose the weight, forgive someone or change your life is also seen as a threat by your nervous system.
As a result… your nervous system doesn’t want you taking any risks… risks that could hurt you…. and risks that could help you change your life.
So, the practice must be… to bring your conscious awareness to your life… and to work to send messages to your nervous system that you are safe… and that it’s okay for you to take risks that your heart… your soul…. and your Creator is nudging you to take.
Starting your dream business won’t kill you.
Opening your heart again and loving someone won’t kill you.
Letting go of trying to control others won’t kill you.
Living your Purpose won’t kill you.
But, when you deny the yearnings of your heart…. when you deny the yearnings of your soul… when you deny the calling of that greater destiny that you know you are meant to live…
You commit slow/passive suicide every day.
Because while our ancestors were focused on primarily just surviving…. we get the privilege to have our basic needs met and shift our focus to thriving… and living in our Purpose.
You owe it to your children, parents, loved ones…. all those who came before you… all those who died to create freedom for you in the past… all those who laid their life on the line for your freedom and all those who are still not able to have the privilege to live their Purpose to dedicate YOUR life to living your Purpose.
When you discover your Purpose… when you bring it to life… you give others hope through not just your words… but your EXAMPLE that they, too – can be free.
Your Purpose won’t kill you – it will bring your greatest dreams to life.
Call B.S. on the survival fear of your nervous system and get busy taking risks.
Your future self will be glad you did.
Remember to get out there, take action and make it real!