Tag Archives: your purpose

live your purpose to make this world a better place

Are you ready to stop worrying about money and start getting your financial needs met effortlessly?

Keep reading..

I’ve been talking a lot lately about living your purpose and how important it is.


Because discovering your purpose and bringing it to life is the most important work of your life.

Abundance follows your purpose.

Love follows your purpose.

Success follows your purpose.

Financial security for your loved ones follows your purpose.

When you discover your purpose, you connect to a power and an idea larger than you… and your Purpose is the one thing that improves everything.

BUT – there’s one important distinction.

Bringing your purpose to life is not a logical process.

And, it’s not a process that you can 100% plan ahead for.

It’s a mystery. It’s a discovery process.

And, it’s a journey.

When you start to feel the stirring of your purpose calling you forward into your life, you are being called by an undiscovered part of yourself.

You are being asked to grow, to mature, to take responsibility for how you use your power and you are being asked to have even more faith in your Creator.

Perhaps the greatest leap you will need to take in your mindset is that as you bring your purpose to life… as you start to serve others and solve problems… you will be provided for.

If you just focus on serving others… falling in love with solving a problem you see in the world…

Then you will be provided for.

The greatest leap of faith your purpose is asking you to take is to surrender the neurotic desire to survive and place your survival into the hands of your Creator.

And… for YOU to keep your focus firmly on how you can help others.

Simply put… if you make it your focus to take care of God’s children… then God will take care of you.

Another way of saying this is… life supports what supports life.

You knew this was the true nature of reality when you were born… perhaps you didn’t have words for it.

Perhaps you didn’t know exactly how to phrase it… but a part of you knew that when you bring your purpose to life and focus on serving others… that you have earned effortless survival.

This isn’t to say that you don’t need to be mindful, smart and strategic.

But, I am saying that you can be confident that all your needs will be met – as you focus on serving others.

Also, remember… YOU are also a child of God… and so make sure to include taking care of yourself as you focus on taking care of God’s children.

You know you are close to the path of your purpose when your ideas for the next phase of your life don’t make logical sense… when you are being called to do something that you’ve never done before… when you have no idea what to do next.

Why are you called to a purpose that is outside of what you believe is your current skill set?

Caroline Myss has the perfect answer.

She says that we are called into new territory because it’s a pathway that does not have any scar tissue from the past on it.

Meaning… you do not have to do a significant amount of healing in the direction that you are being called in before you can be of service… you can get to work right away.

The more emotional weight you have… the longer you have to wait to get going.

So… trust your visions.. know that you are being called to a bright and beautiful new purpose and do your best to calm and surrender your fears each day… and focus on taking simple/small courageous action steps each day.

Surrender your fear…. and defend your intuition.

That’s the goal. Instead of surrendering your intuition and defending your fear.

God doesn’t call the qualified… all are called… but God does qualify the called… and that includes YOU.

YOU are being called to live your purpose, to make this world a better place and to step into a larger level of being that you are currently living.

The reward for taking this leap is abundance, love, success and taking care of your loved ones.

The price you must pay is the surrendering of your fear of survival and a focus on falling in love with solving the problems of the world.

From that place… no one… and nothing can touch you.

Remember to get out there, take action and make it real!

Have you been putting your Purpose on the back burner?

Recently I was coaching a woman who shared that she wanted to live her purpose by starting her own business, but she was procrastinating on it.

She came to me to find out why.

After a couple of questions, it became clear why: she viewed moving forward in her business as a threat.

I had to find out why a part of her believed that her success was a threat.

After a couple more questions it became clear why: a part of her didn’t believe that her husband would support her in her purpose.

When she found this out, she was shocked and at the same time not surprised.

She “knew” in her mind that he would support her.

But her body, her unconscious mind, and her Survival Patterns™ were telling a different story.

Her SP’s told her that she made a promise to take care of her husband and that if she lived her purpose, she would be abandoning him.

So, the deeper truth was revealed. She wasn’t “procrastinating” on her purpose… she was trying to protect her husband.

Her big AHA moment came when she realized that, under good intentions, she was making her husband small… and she was not allowing herself to be supported.

All this because she was scared to allow her “real self” to be seen.

She admitted that she was, in fact, hiding behind the “good intention” of taking care of her husband.

Her SP’s had tricked her to believe that the only way for her to survive and to be loved was to put herself and her purpose on the back burner and only focus on taking care of her husband.

And while this seems like good intentions, not living your Purpose has massive consequences.

Resentment builds. Anger builds. You feel invisible.

You feel stuck, frustrated and you blame others for it.

Here’s the truth: it’s time that you allowed yourself to be supported.

And – the only way to do that is to identify what YOU need and then ASK for it.

And, when you ASK for it, you will see who in your life truly cares for you.

This can be a scary moment of truth, but it’s one that you must create in order to bring your purpose to life.

If you didn’t get support as a child, if you weren’t made to feel like your needs matter, if you are unsure of what you need… that’s okay.

Take some time to be still and ask yourself what you need.

What do you need today?

What do you need in your romantic relationship?

What do you need in your finances?

What do you need in your business?

It is a wonderful thing to take care of others, but it’s utter betrayal to your Soul to take care of and try to control others at the expense of your own purpose.

Take your hands off the wheel a little bit and recognize that you don’t have to hold everything together – that’s God’s job.

Your job is to discover your Purpose and bring it to life.

Nothing is more important than that.

Trust that as you bring your Purpose to life, you will be supported, that you do matter and that at this moment all your needs are met.

Do not hide behind the good intentions of taking care of someone else… you own them your happiness and that happiness can only come from your Purpose.

If you really want to love those around you… become who you’re meant to be and give them the space and encouragement to do the same.

Honesty time: have you been putting your Purpose on the back burner?

Be rigorously honest with yourself… and then reply back to this email and let me know… how are you putting your Purpose on the back burner and what are you going to do right now to turn it around?

I can’t wait to hear from you.

Let’s take your Purpose off the back burner and make it a priority…

That’s how to magic happens!

Remember to get out there, take action and make it real!