Tag Archives: get your needs met

Steps you can take To Never Be Let Down Again

If you ever have that feeling like you don’t matter… there’s a way to change that.

When you have the experience that your needs don’t matter.

When you ask the question… does anyone see me?

Do I matter?

Or perhaps you’ve given and given, and you’re wondering:

Where’s mine?

There’s only one thing you’ve got to do.

What’s that? It’s simple… but not easy.

It’s time to put yourself first.

Now, look. That doesn’t mean being selfish.

And I’m not talking about only focusing on yourself.

But, there needs to be more energy, more life force in your cup. You cannot quench your thirst from an empty cup.

The wise thing to do is to take control and responsibility for getting your needs met.

If you aren’t getting your needs met right now, it’s time to stop blaming others for that.

It’s time to slow down and to ask yourself what you need.

What are your needs? What do you need, exactly?

Maybe it’s something as simple as a hug.

Or perhaps it’s quality time. Or maybe you need support in this new life that is forming in front of your eyes.

Perhaps you need some quality alone time to be with your thoughts.

Maybe all you need is to know that they will be there when you call for them.

You need to know that they got your back.

Whatever it is… whatever you need….

The first step is to make sure that you know what it is.

The second step is to give it to yourself, first.

Then, you’ve got to figure out how to communicate your needs to others in a way that is clear and specific.

If you don’t know what you need, then neither will anyone else.

If you don’t know what you need, then it will be impossible for someone else to give it to you… no matter how much they Love you.

So, if you’re feeling invisible or like you don’t matter…

Take your power back and get to know yourself.

What do you need? How can you give it to yourself? How can you take others off the hook for meeting your needs first? How can you set those people up in your life to give you what you need, too?

Most of the time, not getting your needs meet comes from a lack of understanding of what your needs are, how to identify them… and then how to give them to yourself – and then ask for them from others.

What if the people in your life weren’t bad.

Or what if they weren’t meeting your needs simply because they had no idea what they were?

And what would that say about how you’ve taught them to interact with you?

If you want your needs to be met, know thyself.

If you want to feel seen, see yourself.

If you want to matter, then matter to yourself.

From that place, share with others what you need.

Be kind to them. Be patient. Let them off the hook. Let yourself off the hook.

And, start building a life where you can fill your own cup.

Then, nothing can stop you.

And you won’t be let down ever again.

Remember to get out there, take action and make it real!

Sunday love for you

Yesterday I sent an email coaching you about how to get your needs met.

Be it a relationship, business, in your health, your finances… you name it.

If you feel invisible or resentful that life, the world, your family, friends, partner, etc. aren’t “seeing you” – there’s help.

Today on the podcast I speak with a dear friend of mine, Agapi Stassinopoulos.

Agapi is a Greek goddess in her own right.

She and her sister Arianna Huffington are a power house family that knows how to get things done.

Agapi literally means unconditional Love – it’s no surprise that she is here on the podcast today to teach you how to Wake Up To The Joy of You.

If you want to get your needs met… if you want to ground the “woo woo” stuff with practical steps… if you want to reset your Soul… this podcast is for you.

>Click here to listen on iTunes.

>If you don’t have iTunes, click here to listen.

Agapi has had a powerful impact on my life.

She believed in me when I was couch surfing and always helped me speak victory and support into my dreams.

And now, she will do the same for you.

Here are your next steps:

1. Listen here on iTunes.

2. Or, listen here on any other device.

3. SUBSCRIBE to the podcast on iTunes and leave an honest review.

4. Reply back to me: What’s one step you can take to meet your needs and wake up to the joy of you?

This Sunday, invoke the sacred with Agapi and let’s set you up to get your needs met, the thrive in your life, to have supportive relationships and to have your heart filled with Love.

You’re awesome!

Remember to get out there, take action and make it real!